Viva Walthamstow & E17 Art Trail warm-up party

This Sunday I had a great day out in Walthamstow. We had a warm-up party for upcoming 
ART TRAIL 2011 (o2.~11.September) organized by E17 for all Waltham Forest artists to show case their artwork. It all started in 2005 with just two artist that, obviously, had a big vision. This year is  7th art trail in a row with ~ 160 venues, 300 exhibitions & events and more then 1200 artists & contributors!
Hmmm, a bit more then two artists.... ;) 

So our mission on Sunday was to promote upcoming event, give away a lot of guides and have fun! If you were there ~ thank you for joining us; if you have plan to see some exhibitions ~ you are very welcome!
Here are few photos from the day all taken by Mark Burton (official photographer).
Click here to see the full gallery from the warm-up party!


DOWNLOAD your copy of Art Trail guide 2011 HERE.

We also had little visitors who ware happy to find out that there will be workshops for children on the ArtTrail.
...some "warm-up" work before the official start :)
Morag & Martin ~ who want's to play?!
"pimp-up" your trainers like Fabien....
....get in line (or put them in line)...
...and pose! 
This year title for the Art Trail is ON YOUR MARKS....

Life painting with BMX!
Katja & M :)

Last year I participated on two exhibitions Visitors and Clouds at the weekend, both organized by Katja Rosenberg. This year I have my own exhibition Mandalas ~ Circle of Life (oh yes!) which you will be able to see at the Windmill (Portuguese restaurant on the High St. Waltamstow). There I am sharing walls with location photographer Simon Warren.   

By then I will also write few posts about the exhibition itself~ so stay tuned :)

Have fun & Viva Walthamsow!

M x


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